
2011年 国際シンポジウム (ハンガリー)





■ 2011年11月8日 学会主催 フィールドツアー
 (ブタペスト郊外 英語によるツアーガイド付き、ランチ)

■2011年11月9日 日本語ジェンダー学会国際大会シンポジウム&研究発表


  Anna Szekacs(ブタペスト商科大学東洋語科主任教授)

Tea Break

15時~16時30分:研究発表 (発表15分+質疑応答5分)
    From 'marked' to 'unmarked'--temporal change of language meaning
  4.佐藤紀子 (ブタペスト商科大学准教授)
   Anna Szekacs(ブタペスト商科大学東洋語科主任教授):
   「Perceptions from the Gender-Specific Point of View in Editing a Textbook of Japanese Language」

 11月10日 参加自由 下記の英文をご参照ください。

"Nihongo Gender Gakkai Symposium" is to be taken place in November in Budapest, Budapest Business School....As a tradition BBS has each year a his own "Scientific Days" program (mostly in Hungarian). But this year we open our doors for international partner-institutions, and as a satellite program we kindly invite Nihogo Gender Gakkai to hold its annual symposium prior to the great Conference. Herby we encourage you to join this satelliet symposium of Nihiongo Gender Gakkai....

Nov. 7. Monday
Arrival to Hungary (arranged individually)
Stay in Hotel (arranged individually, but we can make recommemdations -to be sent by 2 September)
Nov. 8 Tuesday
All-day tour (pick up by Universitybus....) to the wine-yards in the country-side, field-tour including Lunch and tourguide (in English) return to Hotel around 8 p.m. - complimentary by BBS
Nov. 9 Wednesday
tour of BBS and lunch - complimentary by BBS
symposium day: from: 13.00 - 16.30
13.00 – 13.45 
   The presentations run 15 minutes, to be followed by a 5 minute Q&A time each.
   Key-note speech by professor Mizue SASAKI (Musashino University; immediate   
   past president of NGG): Gender-consciousness in Japanese expressions

13.50 – 15.00 Symposium: A look  behind gender-consciousness  Panel-discussion
・THOMSON-KINOSHITA Chihiro (professor, New-South Wales University, Australia)
・HIDASI Judit (professor, Budapest Business School: dean, Hungary)
     Culture matters ~ gender matters
・SZEKACS Anna (professor, Budapest Business School: Head of the Oriental  
     Studies Chair, Hungary)  Teaching languages and gender
・YANO Yasukata (professor, Waseda University, Japan)
   What’s in a name? A naive question to gender-specific expressions
15.00 – 16.30  Research  papers
1. YANO Yasukata (professor, Waseda University, Japan):
    From ’marked’ to ’unmarked’ – temporal change of language meaning
2. MATSUI Sachiko (professor emeritus of Mie University, Japan):
    Haiku and Women
3. TATEMATSU Kikuko (professor emeritus of Inter-University Center for Japanese    
Language Studies administered by Stanford University, Japan):
    Gender bias in translated novels for beautification-expressions
4. SATO Noriko (Associate professor of BBS, Hungary)& SZEKACS Anna (professor  
    of  BBS, Hungary):
Perceptions from the Gender-Specific Point of View in Editing a
    Textbook of Japanese Language

Nov.10 Thursday
BBS Day of Science: Opening 10 a.m. (in Hungarian)
Lunch in the main campus (free)
Plenary sessions (in Hung)
Gala dinner (free)


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